Liber Usualis - 1961
This book contains the chants for every Mass of the year along with chants for the Divine Office for Sundays and Feast Days, all according to the Extraordinary Form.. It contains much of the same material as the Graduale Romanum. In this edition, the rubrics and instructions are in English.
Liber Brevior - 1954
The 1954 Liber Brevior includes the entire Kyriale, all the liturgical chant propers for all Sundays, Commons and Feasts, plus Sunday Compline and Vespers as well as the Requiem and Burial liturgies.
The Liber Brevior includes easier Psalm-tone settings for Graduals, Alleluias and Tracts in an appendix in the back of the book.
Unlike the Liber Usualis the Liber Brevior does not include the text of the Orations, Epistles and Gospels sung by the Priest at High Mass.
This book contains the Communion chants for the Sundays, 1st Class Feasts and Feasts of Our Lord, along with proper psalm verses for each antiphon which can be sung in between repetitions of the antiphon. It also contains English translations. This book is also compatible with the Ordinary Form of the Mass.
Cantus Selecti - 1957
This book contains chants for various rites and liturgical seasons. It contains hymns in honor of the Blessed Sacrament for use at Adoration and Benediction or other times including 40 hours celebrations, hymns which can be chanted during Mass or other prayers for various seasons of the liturgical year, as well as in honor of various saints. It contains chants for the approved litanies.
Chants of the Church - 1953
This book contains the chant for all the Mass ordinaries and some other ceremonies such as absolution of the body after a Requiem Mass, as well as other common chants and hymns. It also contains literal line-by-line English translations of all the chants in line with the musical notation. Finally, it contains rules for interpretation of chant in English.